Rittman Analytics

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Previewing the New Looker Dashboard Experience … and What’s Coming with Looker 7

Looker’s front-end capabilities are getting an upgrade over the coming months, with a preview of the new dashboard experience now available as a Labs feature in the 6.24 release. Here’s one of our internal dashboards running with the new look-and-feel enabled, notice the much wider range of interactive controls that you can now use to filter and select data within your dashboard (click to play embedded video).


And there’s more…! Looker announced a whole set of new and upgraded front-end capabilities coming with the new Looker 7 release soon including the following new features we tweeted from the audience at the time:

Dynamic Dashboard Controls

Dynamic Dashboard Controls for dynamic control over visualization settings, positions and layout, titles and text and hide/show individual tiles

New Extensions Framework

An Extension Framework for building LOB JS applications within Looker using the Extensions SDK, LookML and git integration

New Developer Portal

Along with a new API Explorer

New Looker Marketplace for App and Extension Installs

The new Looker Marketplace, a one-stop shop for auto-installing Looker data, app, source and viz blocks with auto-setup of data models and data pipeline from SaaS sources

Installing the Facebook Ads App from Looker Marketplace


Contact us now if you’d like us to help you enable this new dashboard experience or get ready for the Looker 7 release - and build dashboards your users love!